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Tall Tails

Tall Tails Navy Braided Infinity Tug Toy

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Tall Tails Braided Infinity Tug Toy is sure to provide a rousing game of fetch or tug-of-war. This toy is an excellent choice for interactive fun so you can bond with your dog. Woven in two fun colors, the Braided Infinity Toy's elasticity allows your pup to tug and pull for hours on end while also creating gaps to keep their teeth clean!

Key Benefits

-A resilient braided toy measuring 11",
-Perfect for rigorous tug-of-war, fetch, and other interactive play fun
Designed for longer last play and exercise for your dog,
-Passes a 1,200 lb pull-test,
-Elasticity creates gap to help dogs keep their teeth clean.

brand Tall Tails
breed size All Breed
life stage All Life Stage
material Woven 
product type Toy
special feature keep their teeth clean


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