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Wondercide Deodorizing Dog and Cat Ear Wash

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Deodorizing ear wash is a gentle yet effective cleanser formulated to prevent common ear problems in cats and dogs.
OK, hear us out. Protecting Your Pack™ means taking care of every part of your pet, from the tip of the tail to the ears. This alcohol-free wash is made with organic oils of peppermint and lemon eucalyptus, and safe for use on cats as well as dogs. It’s the safest way to remove ear wax buildup and dirt while also deodorizing. Leave no stone unturned. Or ear. Thanks for listening.

REMOVE WAX AND DIRT. Formulated with the expertise of holistic veterinarians, this wash helps reduce buildup that can lead to discomfort, itching and infection.

DEODORIZE AND FRESHEN EARS. Includes seven organic essential oil that help get rid of unpleasant smells, leaving your pet feeling clean and fresh.

FIGHT BACTERIA AND INFLAMMATION. Clean up the unhealthy ear environment that can that lead to recurring ear infections.

NO HARSH CHEMICALS OR ALCOHOL. Contains no alcohol, artificial fragrances, or artificial preservatives, and is gentle enough to use on puppies and kittens.

Key Benefits

-Remove Wax And Dirt,
-Deodorize And Freshen Ears,
-Fight Bacteria And Inflammation,
-Alcohol Free & Non Harsh Formula.
brand Wondercide
breed size All Breeds
life stage All Life Stages
product form liquid
product type Cleanser



Purified Water, Organic Oils of Peppermint, Spearmint, Lemon Eucalyptus and Tea Tree, Natural Emulsifier Made of Plant Materials.