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Vetericyn Plus Antimicrobial Facial Therapy Cat

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Vetericyn Plus® Feline Antimicrobial Facial Therapy helps management of common feline issues around the face, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and chin. The liquid formula won’t sting or burn and helps clean, soothe,and prevent potential infection. It’s completely safe if licked or ingested and is antibiotic and steroid-free!
Free of alcohol, steroids, and antibiotics
Non-irritating, won’t sting or burn
Non-toxic and safe if licked or ingested
Safe for all cats at all life stages
Won’t stain furniture or clothes
Helping the healing process of cat acne, cuts, and mouth sores
Cleaning cat acne, cuts, and mouth sores
Flushing irritants from eyes and ears
Cleaning discharge around eyes and nose
Relief of allergy symptoms in eyes and ears
Relief of allergy symptoms on skin
Tooth and gum rinsing

Key Benefits

-Wound Flushing & Cleaning,
-Deep Penetrating,
-Daily Wound Care,
-Does Not Attract Dirt And Debris
brand Vetericyn
instructions Wounds & skin irritations: Saturate affected area; flushing away any foreign material. Repeat 3-4 times daily until condition is no longer visible. No rinsing necessary.

Eyes: flush eyes gently with product. Repeat 3-4 times daily until condition is no longer visible. For daily maintenance; flush eyes once per day or as needed. Use with a damaged cornea should be under veterinarian supervision.

Ears: saturate affected area on or in ear with product. Repeat 3-4 times daily until condition is no longer visible. For daily maintenance; apply to ear with a massaging action once per day or as needed. Not intented for inner ear infections.

Nose & mouth: saturate affected area or saturate a cotton pad with product and gently wipe affected area. For daily maintenance and to help clean and reduce tear staining; wipe eyes and nose once per day or as needed.
life stage Adult,Kitten And Senior
packaging type Bottle
product from Liquid



Active: Hypochlorous Acid (0.009%)
Inactive: Electrolyzed Water; Sodium Chloride; Phosphates; Sodium Hypochlorite